Availability For Summer


Due to cancellations we now have availability for the end of July and the August Bank Holiday. We also have mid week vacancies for short breaks.

Please get in touch to chat about your requirements!

July 9th, 2013

Welcome to our new website!

About Us // The Website

screenshotIn conjunction with Emma from Damsel in Design we have endeavoured to create a portfolio of our cottage industry.

The website is divided into two areas but each is designed to compliment the other. One is our working cattery – Mobberley Cottage Cattery – and all the information customers need in order to make an informed decision on finding a decent boarding cattery. The other is material offering to share our experience of buying, designing, building and the running of such a business.

For prospective customers we are hoping that the consultancy information regarding running a cattery will be of interest when you are making your decision on whether to use us. We very much hope that the website offers an insight into our daily routine and the ethos of Mobberley Cottage Cattery.

zoe-1For those of you who are considering opening a kennels or cattery, even those who may be thinking of starting a business involving looking after other animals, we are sure the information and experience we can offer you will be of help and, more importantly, provide empathetic support.

Whether you are new or old customers please give us your feedback! After all, this has always been a team effort!

Warm wishes


May 17th, 2013

“He’ll Hate it. I Know He Will”

About Us

blog2It’s difficult to understand how much enjoyment a cat gets from the cattery unless you have either worked in one or your cats are extremely regular customers. Cats don’t hate catteries. If they are calm when they arrive then they will enjoy their stay. Cats are nosy little monkeys. They sit on window sills and survey the grounds, watch stealthily from under sofas ( I have the scars to prove it) and sit behind doors watching your every move. In our cattery my residents love to watch me work! It’s a running joke with their owners and I’m sure they get great pleasure from it! But cats also like to watch each other.

Initially a first timer may hide in the sleeping area when they see the other cats. I like to think that this is because of my beautifully polished glass dividers! The glass is so clear some cats do not realise there is a safety net between them and their neighbour. In our cattery there are white perspex barriers at floor level. This is so a resident can have some privacy without their neighbour nose to nose. Above waist level matching the sunning / socialising shelf there is toughened, polished glass enabling observation of other cats in residence. Once a first timer realises the other cats cannot actually reach them they become very brave! Cats are social animals. But on their own terms. The safety of segregation gives cats an ideal situation in which to observe their own species.

blog1The other point that is important when it comes to the cattery is this. Your cat will remember the cattery. Cats have long memories. That’s why rescued cats often have odd habits – they developed them as coping strategies in their previous environment. I have the privilege to build relationships with our residents. They remember me and the sights and sounds of the cattery. It is wonderful to experience the trust an animal gives to you over a period of time. It is also reassuring for the owners to see evidence of that relationship and watch their cat settle quickly. If your cat doesn’t settle in a cattery after many visits then think carefully about whether he or she is happy there. Trust your instinct. Should you try somewhere different? Just because your cat doesn’t settle doesn’t mean he is being mistreated – it might just be that there is not enough stimulation and he is becoming depressed. Look at other catteries. Do your research. A happy cat means a relaxed start to your holiday.

May 17th, 2013