Essential Info
What should I be looking for in a cattery?
There are three key areas I believe you should be looking for in a good cattery.
The most common ailment in catteries is cystitis brought on by stress. If there is no stimulation the cats become stressed and bored and are less likely to eat and drink, becoming dehydrated. We all dream of a room with a view! If your cat can see staff approaching and have a visual stimulus they are more likely to settle comfortably and relax.
Ventilation and Cleanliness:
A cat’s sense of smell is 20 times that of ours. What does the cattery building smell of? Strong odours can stress cats out if they are unfamiliar. Also the sights and sounds of the outside help to stimulate visitors. Housing animals can be a mucky business! Be realistic. The odd wee on the floor is not a bad mark but how is the general cleanliness of the accommodation?
Your Instinct:
The most useful of all. Trust your instinct. The usual worries apart – are you going to feel comfortable leaving your pussy cat with this person in this building? It might be state of the art but does it tick all your boxes? It might be clean but the proprietor doesn’t have time to discuss your concerns? It’s not just your cat that needs to be happy when the holiday time arrives.
Vaccinations – What and Why?
Cats will only be allowed entry on production of a valid certificate of inoculation against Cat Flu and Feline Enteritis. The vaccination for Feline Leukemia is not statutory.
Your Cat’s Health:
Please check your cat for fleas, worms and ear mites – where possible treat before coming to the cattery. If the cat has any existing health problems – requiring special diet, medication etc, it is crucial that we know of this in advance. You will be asked to bear the veterinary costs for any problem the cat has before arriving in the cattery. The above also applies to problems arising from old age and to eating problems. We would also like to know if the cat has either recently or in the past been involved in any sort of accident. Any history of cystitis must be disclosed to aid early detection
Do you give Medication?
We are happy to administer medication, including injections, as long as your vet is happy for your cat to be cared for in the cattery.